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I reckon that some dogs in some lads heads and minds are legends to them,everyone has 1 special terrier that sticks in there mind for life,like that old dog in my avatar,he done it all week in week ou

I can remember my early days as if it were yesterday,the smell of cut wood in the back of an old escort van where i sat surrounded by all the digging kit and dogs and ferrets if we were ratting .Norm

Just talking to me old father and we've only seen one lol , it was a border dog called billy my father can even remember he's KC name it was Dandyhow Brusselsprout lol such a silly name for a truelly

Best terrier I've ever bred was a bitch I called Willow.It wasn't just the one thing that gave her the title but all of it rolled into 15 lb of perfection .Some found her boring ,like clockwork but l loved her .She never stood for a dog at all and had to be put down because of a trapped nerve in her back that paralised her .Very sad day that.

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The ones that find and stay till there dug to and dont get pushed around doin this constanly year in year out then ya know ya have good one or great one which ever ya prefer ta class it. If they on to produce many working dogs and bitchs the same then ya call them a legend.

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All things considered a bitch my digging partner owned stands out, only a small bitch, and not a mixer, but always bang on the nose no matter how long it took to get to her, like FD says "clockwork" but you could dig and dig to her, no lay ups. We only managed one litter from her, sired by my dog, she had 3 pups, two born dead, and one bitch that turned out way to hard, despite both parents having sense?

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I rated the Fly dog highly too as a worker and a producer of workers .Fly was out of Razor x Cassy ,two more that lived for the game back in their day.A bitch called Fern had a promising start then contracted what the vet said was soil born tb that caused an ulcer type sore on her head ,stopping her from working for 2 seasons then £2000 later she jacked ,no rhyme to that one .Nowadays i take it for granted really that a pup will go on to work and there have been many greats in the last 10 years Vicky ,Bracken,Grim,Hazel,Cary,Woody and Blade to name a few .Thinking back its been a great life really ,getting a bit emotional lol.

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A big black dog called Duke that a mate of mine owned. The most ignorant, arrogant, boring, robotic dog i have ever known but with the most determined, one-track mind i have ever seen. The dog was text book, week in week out, season after season. He was some animal.

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The first terrier I ever saw work when I was ten, a black & tan bitch of breeding unknown...........dug to her all through my teens & still the most efficient fox killer I've seen work.............legend? Well she was in our house......:-)

Edited by Accip74
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My mates dog and sammy and maggie deserve to be included in this thread they were brother and sister started at 18months and were worked for 9 seasons in to old age they were never spared alot of men and dogs got started by what was dug with these 2 terriers they deserve the title of true legends for the work they done and the amount of game they dug. Take a bow sammy and maggie. Heroes are remembered but legends are forever.

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I rated the Fly dog highly too as a worker and a producer of workers .Fly was out of Razor x Cassy ,two more that lived for the game back in their day.A bitch called Fern had a promising start then contracted what the vet said was soil born tb that caused an ulcer type sore on her head ,stopping her from working for 2 seasons then £2000 later she jacked ,no rhyme to that one .Nowadays i take it for granted really that a pup will go on to work and there have been many greats in the last 10 years Vicky ,Bracken,Grim,Hazel,Cary,Woody and Blade to name a few .Thinking back its been a great life really ,getting a bit emotional lol.

It's always a sign of a good man who gets emotional over any kind of dog Foxdropper!That's how I get know about people, I just look and study in the way their dogs react to their owners and the owners treat their dogs......As the years roll by you think about the good dogs and the great times you have experienced together. No matter how many you lay to rest you never get hard to such a sad situation when they finally part company. 'But like you said, what a wonderful life"! Regards Lutra...

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That old dog in my avatar [sPOT]was a hell of a dog,dug anything that could be dug with him week in week out up until he was 14-15 years of age and at that age he still showed up some dogs were supposed to be the bees knees.There were others,BESS,TOD,RIP,SOPHIE,BUTCH and others that belonged to mates of mine.I also saw a dog belonging to Smasher of here been dug to a couple of times,little bullxrussell and from what i saw and heard about the dog he was good.Neil Cooney also had a couple i can remember,PIP,POKER,PUNCH,all these dogs were well worked and worked hard,all most forgot a little lakey bitch i had TINY,great little fox bitch and i have to mention a dog that belongs to a mate of mine that is still goin and working to a very high standard at 11-12 year old,NIGGER and was dug to only last wknd ay 2.o,top class dog.

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i hate using the word " legend " such an over used word , me I've personally seen good honest dogs work but not any legends so to speak . I've seen dogs work that where good and I'm sure their openers would love to give them legend status lol. Large doses of kennel blindness but at the end of the day no legends . I think if the op title was good honest grafters it would've been a better title ?

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